Happy Thanksgiving!
Holidays are almost never deleted from the calendar, just “edited’
if you will, changed to shape society. Sometimes
that is good, sometimes not. When we change them to suit society, we often lose
the original meaning. I do not intend to “take to preachin’,” but a little soul
searching will not hurt any of us.
Ask a seven or a 17 year-old where Thanksgiving originated and instead of mentioning
Pilgrims and Massachusetts , some will
most likely say “on a football field.”
The Pilgrims, early settlers to our shores, spent some time
in the field, but it wasn’t a football one. It was a field planted with corn,
and they were thankful to have that. They
sang hymns like, “Now we thank all our God with heart and hands and voices….”(Rinkart)
Children can no longer define the word “hymn” either, unless they are from
Texas Aggie country where they sing the Aggie “War Hymn.” Called that by Texas A
& M, that song will be sung Thursday in honor of their glorious football
team. I love football as much as the next person, I am just saying.
Both now and then people feasted for different reasons. Currently,
some people do not thank anyone for their meal, not even their spouses, for
they think they worked hard and paid for
it, so they deserve it. I really doubt any of us deserve all we receive in this country. We
have been given more than we could ever achieve on our own, so let us take a
moment and thank the Giver.
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Thanksgiving tea party for things both great and tiny. |
Check out this football game video between Princeton and Yale, yes, really they played football. The first championship football game was played in 1876. (Thanksgiving) Besides the players, check out how dressed up the men were. How things change!
http://www.loc.gov/item/00563607/ Yale and Princeton football game, 1903—Yes, they were already doing it then! The first football game on Thanksgiving came in 1876 with the Yale Bulldogs winning. By the 1890’s over 5,000 high school, club and college games were played on that day. Now that is what I call thankful for football. (Thanksgiving)
is an easy to-do Thanksgiving project --Everyone who visits on Thanksgiving can
participate. Purchase a plastic tablecloth at a dollar store. Gather several
permanent markers. Put them on a plastic tablecloth spread on a surface that is
accessible to most heights. Then place the permanent markers and a tent card with the words, “Write or draw
something you are thankful for this Thanksgiving.” It will be a new twist to the old “What are
you thankful for” before the meal, and quiet people might surprise you with
their “thank yous.” If you watch, you will see your guests going back to check the tablecloth art.
Rickart. (1636). Baptist Hymnal (11th printing). Nashville: Convention Press.
Rickart. (1636). Baptist Hymnal (11th printing). Nashville: Convention Press.
Thanksgiving Timeline. 1541-2001 Thanksgiving Timeline. Retrieved
November 23, 2014 from http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/presentations/thanksgiving/timeline/1876.html
This is to honor a soldier:
Coto, Danica. (November 18, 2014). Ex-Army sergeant among 4 killed in
Puerto Rico. AP. The Big Story. Retrieved November 23, 2014 from http://bigstory.ap.org/article/3cb4ab14aef241049a46e958ab0fe164/ex-army-sergeant-among-4-killed-puerto-rico
This is to honor a soldier:
US Army Staff Sergeant Miguel Ortiz and his wife, mother-in-law and 15 year-old
son were murdered in Puerto Rico in
their home by thugs who owed them rent. A 13 year-old son survived. SSG Ortiz
had been a professor for nearly 20 years at Puerto Rico's American Military
Academy,where his sons were enrolled in the eighth and ninth
grades. Pray for the living son that someone will come and help guide him through this sad time, and that God will become real to him.
Coto, Danica. (November 18, 2014). Ex-Army sergeant among 4 killed in
Puerto Rico. AP. The Big Story. Retrieved November 23, 2014 from http://bigstory.ap.org/article/3cb4ab14aef241049a46e958ab0fe164/ex-army-sergeant-among-4-killed-puerto-rico