Monday, November 17, 2014

A Salute to the Ladies Doing Their Job

These are tools of the trade for the military spouse

       I hope you observed Veteran’s Day. If you did not, you can combine my challenge and veterans and their wives. Today is E-card day. Send a card to as many friends as you have time, as well as veterans. Write something besides your name if you want them to respond to you and then total up your cards and we will add up how many cards we sent, and how many we received. See, I told you, the challenge could be combined with your thanks to a veteran and to their wives.
Our country honored United States’ veterans last Tuesday. I am here to honor their spouses. The veterans are the one who protect and defend the nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They move in harm’s way and pretend it is normal. Yes, they need God’s help to do it. You know the spouses, too. They look like regular people, but sometimes their jobs are not. It includes protecting the home front against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That includes everything from lazy children who won’t do their chores to people who think their husband can’t hold a job, because the military keeps moving them. They pick up the kids after school, organize booster bake sales, as well as stay near Skype during deployment, and pray like the kids’ lives depended upon it. For it does, for those little buggers will push their mom to the edge of the pool whether their dad is gone or not.
             So here is a list of warriors and their wives. Their service expands from World War I to the war that now rages. I am sorry I cannot use their surnames, because some of them will never see their names in print. They will go about their lives and serve their country. They will be buried, and no one will know the difference, except there will be a difference. Warriors  have done their duty and beyond, and as well as their spouses. So I will say it again, when you send out your e-cards, send a couple to military wives.
            In honor of these wives, I humbly post this poem. It only touches the surface of the job the military wife does day after day, because her husband is called to be a warrior.

            Here’s to Anne, Becky, Cheryle, Diane, Eunice, Florence, and a million more whom I proudly served with and whom I delightfully call “my friend”.
A Tribute to the Warrior Wife
Love recruited the Warrior Wife for this assignment,
   Her voluntary enlistment lasts a lifetime—
       She knows no retreat for love of her Warrior Man keeps her here.
          Her swearing in came before God, friends and flowers.
               Her “I do”, given freely and without reservation, promised
                     Till death do they part, she and her Warrior Man.

Warrior wife’s survival kit includes laughter and a great respect for the power of prayer.
She speaks “militaryese” fluently with her family of military sisters.
While her anchor’s away, she taxis kids on three continents and on both sides of the road.
With artistic flair, she creates an address book that would make Picasso look sane.
An army of one, Warrior Wife destroys mounds of laundry which threaten the home front.
She holds her Warrior’s heart, and small hands, as well the American flag and a pet leash.

 Warrior Wife can fix a flat, sometimes,
               And kiss a scraped knee better every time.
                       Warrior Wife holds down a job part- time.
She makes friends and her famous fire-breathing chili lots of times.
                                                 She changes diapers a million times.
                                                              Regardless of duty station, she births babies in due time.

Warrior Wife’s pay day comes in the form of a candy bar.
Remote duty continues as the battle for the TV rages.
Their college student studies a thousand miles away on an unaccompanied tour.
Temporary duty finds her soaking in endearing emails and a hot bath.
Covert missions include her best “under covers” work.
Wild blue yonder orders do not scare her for she trusts the Supreme Commander.

And, at the end of the day Warrior Wife can be found on her watch,
            Continuing the cadence begun by previous sisters,
                    Waiting—Waiting at the kitchen door,
                             Waiting on some reunion- ready runway
                                          Waiting on some eternally mist-kissed dock,
                                                  Always waiting, waiting for her Warrior to return.
                                                                                                            --Frances L. Lewis
Names of warriors and their spouses. 
Directions: If you search for your name, use the first letter of your last name, then you and your mate's names.  
If you have known me for a hundred years and I forgot to put your name on the list, then come looking for me. I will ask your forgiveness, and we will recall a couple of good laughs we had together.

  1.   A., Alan and Laura,  Army
  2.       A., Charles and Linda, Air Force
  3.       B., James and Sandy , Air Force
  4.       B., Mike and Susan, Air Force
  5.       B., Bill and Jamie, Air Force
  6.       B., Charles and Brenda , Air Force
  7.       B., Jeffrey and Jacquelyn, Air Force
  8.       B., John and Mary, Air Force
  9.       B., Kelly and Shannon Army
  10.   B., Lee and Pam  Marines, Air Force
  11.   B., Robert and Carla, Air Force
  12.   C., Billy and Florence, Air Force
  13.   C., Jesse and Nancy, Air Force
  14.   C., John P. and Pen, Army
  15.   C., Mark and Suzanne, Air Force
  16.   C., Cal and Gilda, Air Force
  17.   D., Bobby and Anne, Army
  18.   D., Jim and Tarah, Air Force
  19.   D., Jonathan and Tarah, Army
  20.   D., Peter and Diane, Army
  21.  D., Adam and Danielle
  22.   E., Jason and Erin, Army
  23.   E., Lee and Ursala, Army
  24.   F., Bill and Linda, Marines
  25.   F., Ray and Sandra  Army
  26.  G., Scott and Jennifer, Air Force
  27.   G., Becky and Wes, Army
  28.   G., Charles., Army-Air Corps
  29.   G., Delbert, Army
  30.   G., Israel and Doneva, Army
  31.   G., Jaime and Maricella, Army
  32.   G., Jeff , Air Force
  33.   G., Junior, Army
  34.   G., Ken, Air Force
  35.   G., Linda, Marines
  36.   G., Roseanne, Air Force
  37.   G., Steve and Martha U Army
  38.   G., T. and Vanessa, Army
  39.   G., Jamie and Ginger
  40.   H., Alan and Melissa, Air Force
  41.   H., Carl and Judy, Air Force
  42.   H., Elizabeth, Air Force
  43.   H., Ian and Angela, Air Force
  44.   H., James and Eunice, Air Force
  45.   H., Mary, Air Force
  46.   H., Ray and Sandy,  Air Force
  47.   H., Stanley, Air Force
  48.   J., Malcolm and Sally, Air Force
  49.   J., Justin and Katie, Army
  50.   J., Robert and Kathy, Army
  51.   J., Steve and April, Air Force
  52.   K., Arnold and Connie Army
  53.   K., Eddie and Stephanie, Army
  54.   K., Scott and Cindy, Air Force
  55.   L., Alan and Barbara
  56.   L., Brian, Army
  57.   L., Joe and Vicki, Air Force
  58.   L., Bill and Collette, Air Force
  59.   L., Ira and Ann, Air Force
  60.   L., Josh and Melissa, Air Force
  61.   L., Kent, Army
  62.   L., Perry and Stacey, Air Force
  63.   L., Phillip and Lori, Air Force
  64.   L., Roger and Lynne, Army
  65.  L., Steve, Marines
  66.   M., Richard and Lonnie, Air Force
  67.  M., Richard and Gisela, Air Force
  68.  M., Craig and Jan, Air Force
  69.   M., Daniel and Laura, Air Force  
  70.   M., Neil and Martha, Air Force
  71.  M., Peter and Kay, Air Force
  72.   M., Peter Jr. and Janeen, Army
  73.  M., Tom and Debbie, Air Force
  74.   N. , Phil and Jessica, Army
  75.   N., Trey and Ashley, Army
  76.   O., Jim and Ann, Air Force
  77.   O., Arthur, Marines
  78.  P., “Pat” and Christina, Air Force
  79.   P., Randy and Tammi , Army
  80.   R., Joe and Amy, Marines
  81.   R., Joshua and Lauren, Army
  82.   R., Robert and Elizabeth, Air Force
  83. R., Wes and Marti, Air Force
  84.  R., Gary and Jill, Air Force
  85.  S., Aaron and Andrea, Marines
  86.  S., Alex and Sara, Air Force
  87.   S., Carl, Air Force
  88.   S., Cush and Cheryle, Army
  89.   S., Duane, Air Force
  90. S., David and Colleen, Navy
  91. S., Jesse, Army
  92.   S., John and Tonya, Army
  93.  S., Jared, Navy
  94.   S., Richard and Doreen, Air Force
  95.  S., Richard and Linda, Air Force
  96.  S., Thomas and Tish, Air Force
  97.  S., James and Lisa, Army
  98.  T., Mike and Ofelia, Air Force
  99.  T., Robert and Christi, Army
  100. U. Byron, Air Force  
  101.  V. ., Jim and Denise, Air Force
  102.   W., Edward, Sr., Army
  103.  W., Howard and Laura, Army
  104.  W., Phillip and Susan, Air Force
  105.  W., Timothy and Kathy, Army
  106. W., Mike and Michele, Air Forcc

These warriors have given over 1600 years of service to our country, and the years their spouses double that. 

Thank you for your service to your country, Warriors and Spouses.  America

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