Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Twelve Days of Christmas Hawaiian and Your Style

     Many of us in the United States are familiar with the Christmas song, The Twelve Days of Christmas.  But did you know a Hawaiian version exists? I will share it with you, just for fun.  Written in 1959 in one night by Eaton "Bob" Magoon, Ed Kenny and Gordon Phelps, it will bring you joy. While you are reading it, suppose you create one for your area of the world and share it with me under comments.
Hawaiian version: ((in reverse order, of course )
Numba twelve day of Christmas my tutu (aunt) gave to me. 12 television
(In 1959 they were not those flat screen kind, either, but the kind that gave you and two other people a hernia.)
11 missionaries -----and Hawaii, thankfully, joyfully accepted God's message of love .
10 cans of beer -----(maybe root beer) I love root beer and as does Ian and Ruby!

So, it is root beer in plastic bottles. Besides, this is a G-rated blog. 

Nine pounds of poi-----(You have to develop a taste for that stuff.)
Eight ukuleles------------ (I bought the best, but need to practice, but "Da Ukulele Boyz" on Maui are some of the best. (Watch them on You Tube.)
You only need one if you have a K Kamaka one! 

Seven shrimp a-swimming--- I hope they can do the backstroke if they are trying to make the California trip.

OK. So there are only three, and they are definitely not swimming anywhere! 

Six hula lessons-----Those were the days when you could take free lessons through Honolulu Parks and Recreation  Department. I will check it out; maybe you still can.
Hula lessons. What fun! 

Five....... big fat pig---Kalua pork, ono ono, especially when the pork is not wearing plaid.

The pig may be skinny, but he wrote his own caption! 

Four flower lei....I close my eyes and I can smell those plumeria lei.  Oh, but I have a plumeria tree growing in a pot. Do you think that helps my nose?

No, the monkey is not wearing clothes. He is a monkey, Silly!

Three dry squid----They do that right after they come out from swimming.
Two coconut--We'll save some delicious recipes for later.

Two coconuts screaming to get out of those hair nets! 

And a mynah bird in one papaya tree. (I never saw one mynah bird the whole time I lived there, but perhaps the only one was in the zoo.)  But give me one papaya.  It tastes just like the islands.
No, that is not a mynah bird, nor is it a papaya tree.  Merry Christmas! 

OK. Let's all sing loudly together now!  On the Numba Twelve day of Christmas my tutu gave to me---
12 Television, 11 missionaries, 10 can of beer, Nine pounds of poi, Eight ukuleles, Seven shrimp a-swimming, Six hula lessons, Five..... big fat pigs.  Four flower lei, three dry quid, two coconuts and a mynah in one papaya tree.

  "Merry Christmas!" or as they say in the Islands, "Mele Kalikimaka!"
Check out this You Tube video if you have about 4 minutes.  It will make you laugh, and you need that this time of year!

Copy of the lyrics


A BIG THANK YOU to Laniesha at my local supermarket!

Don't forget to post your own unique "Twelve Days of Christmas Song!"  Make them family-friendly, please! Thanks!


  1. Love it, Frances. Now, I'm caught up!

  2. The fun part is trying to find or create pictures that match the text.

  3. Here is our version of 12 Days of Christmas

    On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
    12 matchbox cars
    11 jokers joking
    10 ninjas kicking
    9 cozy couches
    8 running horses
    7 hot potatoes
    6 baseballs flying
    4 purple trees
    3 right shoes
    2 German cakes and a finch in an apple tree
